Lift Your Business Through
Sustainability and Impact

"The Owl is the wisest of all birds because the more it sees,
  the less it talks" – African Proverb

Vukani Impact Collective helps investors and businesses innovate through better measurement and management of ESG performance and impact.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are increasingly linked to business success for good reasons. The world is awakening to the relationships between society, the natural environment, and economic outcomes. ESG is about ethical leadership, treating people right, and providing products and services that contribute to a regenerative future.

We are proud to be leading this transformation.

We bring over 75 years of combined deep expertise in sustainability to ensure that our clients can do ESG with integrity.

Our flagship tool — the ESG Tracker — helps investors and companies integrate ESG considerations in line with international best practice and in a way that makes sense to their businesses.

ESG Tracker Assessment and Audit Wheel

The ESG Tracker is a monitoring, strategy and engagement tool.

It helps investors and companies grow business value by improving their environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and impact over time.

Our Services

Designing ESG and Impact Systems

Developing practical policies and procedures to manage ESG and Impact performance in line with international best practice.

Building in-house knowledge and skills

Demystifying responsible business practices.

Building the skills needed to do ESG and Impact well.

Assessment and Audit

ESG due diligence and impact verification to help investors and management teams make better decisions.

Data collection for portfolio and high-level analysis.

Verifying that systems align with best practice standards.

Research and Innovation

Deep-dive analysis of the latest trends inspiring sustainable finance.

Thought leadership with pioneer clients and partners.

Designing innovative new approaches and tools.

Discover how ESG with integrity can transform your business